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Time Resonation

Time Resonation - the ability to change the position of an object in time?

Background information

Many have read about Einstein's ("Constant") definition of light. Put quite simply, light travels in a vacuum at a speed of 186,282.397 miles per second (299,792,458 metres per second). Whereas, sound at sea level and at a temperature of 15 C, travels at a speed of only 761 miles per hour (1,225 kph). Hence, the reason why during a thunderstorm, one usually sees the flash of lightning at least a few seconds before one hears the clap of thunder. Yet despite the tremendous speed of light, it still takes 8.31 minutes for sunlight to travel the 92.95 million miles to the earth. So, if we were to travel away from the Earth, in an opposite direction to the Sun, at a speed in excess of the speed of light, we would be delaying sight of the Sun, but would that be true time (delay) travel? The current laws of Physics tell us that even reaching speeds near, let alone in excess of the speed of light are prohibited. However, it is held by many physicists that "Black Holes" hold the key to utilising Einstein's Theory of Relativity, thus enabling what is now believed to be impossible, but in the future (theoretically) possible, by theories which include the bending of light, though which are quite beyond the scope of this website! 

Visible (white) light is made up of colours ranging in wavelengths from red (longest at 700 nm) down to violet (shortest at 400 nm). In between lies orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo. When we see a blue object, it is this colour only because it absorbs light of the other colours in their particular wavelength, but reflects that wavelength that belongs to blue. By changing the wavelength of a light emission, we can therefore change the colour of an object.

In most modern spreadsheets, dates can be formatted within individual cells, and then converted into numbers for calculations. For example, the number 38000 equates to the 14th January 2004, incrementing by the number of days in each count, until 39000 equates to the 10th October 2006. And so on.


If we can change the appearance of light by altering its' wavelength, and dates can be depicted as plain numbers, is it therefore possible to move an object through time by varying the resonating pitch of that body?  In other words, does all matter have a designated resonating frequency which places it at a particular point in time, whether it is animal, vegetable or mineral? As matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it would therefore follow that decaying objects which ultimately form the building blocks of new life, are forever encapsulated within the original frequency and date stamp, which augments daily. Thus, old and new are relative in the time continuum. However, by shifting the resonating frequency either higher of lower, could an object be transferred either forwards or backwards in time? Just as the expansion and contraction of metals from the effects of heat and cold can be measured as a coefficient of expansion, then a scale of coefficients for resonating matter could be a measurement for placing said body in a particular moment of time. This would not be breaking the scientific rule that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but merely moving it through the 4th dimension of time, whilst not affecting either its the first 3 visible dimensions, nor its' position in the 5th, i.e. space. 


How do we change the resonating frequency of matter? We all know that boiling water in a kettle creates steam, and that gaseous oxygen can be liquefied when frozen, and that the metal mercury in a thermometer is in liquid form at room temperature. Atoms can be split, and the elements can be designated by their protons, neutrons and electrons. However, is there some other force within matter, as yet unidentified, that controls that body's position in time? If so, how can it be created, controlled or altered so as to allow a change in its' coefficient of resonation?


By changing the coefficient of resonation for an object, would that upset the total equilibrium of all matter within the universe, known or otherwise? Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, if we were to "re-position" an object from say 2006, back to 1996, would an object of identical body mass be shifted into another time zone, possibly forward to 2006, in conjunction with this law of physics? However, perhaps one must also take into consideration the two hypotheses known as the Time Paradox and Parallel Universe(s) theories.

Basically, with the former, if I were to travel back in time and try to kill a parent/grandparent, I would be unable to do so, as if successful, I could never have been born; therefore, I could not travel back and commit the crime in the first place! On the other hand, am I obliged to travel back in time and introduce my parents/grandparents so as to enable my own birth on a later date? - if you like a "reverse" paradox! 

With the second supposition, would movement by, say, time resonation, involve "jumping" from one parallel universe to another, hence not affecting the status quo in the originating universe, and thus avoiding the Time Paradox by a condition sometimes referred to as "Free Will".  Perhaps Time Resonation is thereby the means of travel between parallel universes?  




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